It's been quite some time since i've uploaded any content to this blog. I've had a mix of a busy schedule, hectic life, kids' sports, holiday seasons, traveling and just plain laziness... So, to keep you all up to date as to what has taken place over the last 3 months, I'll post a few videos i've recorded and uploaded on youtube. I figure this is the best way to bring you all up to speed on my life's happenings. I have posted updates, videos and etc... on other streams of social media (YouTube, INSTAGRAM, PINTEREST, FACEBOOK ) so if you're not following me there, feel free to click on the link and follow me! Hopefully, i'll do better with updating on my blog more regularly throughout the year. Take a moment and watch a few of my recent videos (below) and get caught up :-)
Thanksgiving Family Reunion
How to make my Homemade Whipped Shea Butter
How to make Homemade Flaxseed Gel
Two Strand Twist Updo
Crystal Swain Bates Book Review
Medium Two-Strand Twist Out
Quick Chat
Flat Twist Out with Homemade Flaxseed Gel
Girls' Soccer Highlights
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