Soooooooooooo, the day i've been training so hard for FINALLY came... and went. There was so much build up and anticipation... pure excitement and GREAT expectancy! We loaded up the van with snacks, drinks, kiddos and hubby in tow... checked the kids out of school early and headed for ATL. After checking into the hotel I rushed over to the registration/check in location, picked up my packet and met up with one of the ladies who I would be running with. Although this was our first time meeting, it felt as if it was a reunion of good friends. We met up later that night with the other young lady who would also be running with us. Dinner was quite lovely, the conversation was insightful and all was well... That night, I rushed back to my hotel room and laid out all of my running gear & accessories. I made sure that everything was in place. Running bib, entrance bracelet, motivational bracelet (thanks Shay), bandana, white shirt, comfy socks, running tights, sports bra, head phones, cell phone, arm wallet carrier and etc... they were all lined up and ready. After my nightly prayer I attempted to get some sleep... I had a restless night from all of the excitement but it would have to do :)

6am rolled around the next morning and up I went! I got dressed, stretched, grabbed a muffin and water and mingled in the lobby with the other ladies before heading to the park. We had a great time talking and laughing as we embarked on our mile long walk to the Piedmont Park. We were mostly rambling out of nervousness but super excited about the sense of fulfillment/achievement we would feel after the completion of the race.

We posed for several pics, ran sprints uphill and lined up in wave #4 (every 5 minutes a wave of 1000 runners would take off). The start of the race lingered for over 1 1/2 hours. We had sore feet and tired legs as a result... but that wouldn't steal our joy! After the 10 second countdown we were off.... we were running... WE WERE DOING IT!!! Side by side, hand in hand, we took our first steps and began our race. We had to move into position, jump over tree limbs and run around/over side walk cracks & holes... There were times when we would run up on someones heels, bump elbows as we maneuvered around the course.

I constantly found myself having to look over my shoulder, say "excuse me, coming through, oops, sorry and etc..." There were over 10,000 runners and you could definitely tell. As we hit each kilometer we had to stop and get sprayed with a different color before continuing our run. It got a bit frustrating from having to stop and start so frequently but we moved forward with smiles on our faces.
As we crossed the finish line there was a sense of pride, relief, exhaustion, soreness, pain, happiness, accomplishment... you get the picture? We were covered from head to toe with 5 different colors... Yellow, Green, Pink, Blue, Purple... We looked funny but beautiful :).
I must thank hubby for taking my directions and capturing all of the wonderful shots of our special day.
We finished the day with a nice brunch at a local restaurant... completed a 1 mile walk back to the hotel... said our good byes... took pics... checked out of our hotel and headed back to NC. Washing off all of the color was a breeze... there are just a few stubborn spots but nothing major. It was a good weekend!!!
I will cherish every minute of the race. I had a chance to meet to of the most amazing women/training partners anyone could ask for. We have plans to meet up in the near future to do more races with each other. Our goal is to run the 1/2 marathon in February 2013 in Myrtle Beach!!! We have many races planned in the meantime... more 5k's, 10k's, 15k's... all leading to the 1/2 marathon. We're on our way!!!! The kids had a blast getting all dirty and celebrating along with me. I plan to participate in the The Color Run (with my kiddos) in October when it comes to NC! It will be a blast!!! Stay tuned!
~Thanks for sharing in my journey... the BEST is yet to come~