Monday, June 11, 2012

Finished Week 1 of Insanity~

Just dropping in for a quick update!  Let's see... my past week consisted of inlaw visits, last day of school parties, field trips, soccer games and practices, football practices, major house cleaning, church activities, squeezing in some QT with my hubby, shopping for vacay and oooooh... INSANITY!  I'm soooo proud of myself for sticking with those workouts and pushing myself til the end.  When they say that those workouts are insane, it's an understatement.  I've succeessfully followed through with every intense workout and have been left covered in pure sweat from head to toe. I actually ran/power walked after every insanity workout this week (17.55 miles for the week)!!!  Woo hoo!!!!  Now that's what you call pushing yourself!!!  Here's a pic of my starting weight which also happens to be month 1 weigh in pics for the weight loss challenge i'm currently in.

In addition to pushing myself to the limit, I am also proud to say that I tried on a dress that I hadn't worn in 12 years (2000) and it fit!!!!  Oh my!!!  I was completely overjoyed, as was hubby.  Sunday, I decided to wear a *gasp* SKIRT!!!!!!  Yes, I know.... you're probably thinking that it's not such a big deal.  Well, actually it is!  I hadn't worn a skirt in at least 3-4 years! Now, granted this skirt is rather long and flowy.... with that maxi dress feel BUT it is such a huge change for me.  A friend of mine has been trying to get me to wear form fitted clothing (particularly short skirts and heels) and i'm no where near being comfortable with that... at the moment :-).  Maybe when I draw nearer to my goal weight???  We'll see.  Anyway, here's a pic of me in a skirt (on the left) and my 12 year old dress (on the right). 

Soooooo many huge success!!! Today starts week 2 of insanity.  Today's workout, Cardio Power & Resistance promises to push me to the limit.  I will conquer it and much more!!!  I'm so determined! 

Here are a few more pics of my girls and I.... enjoy!

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