These inspirational nuggets come in many shapes and forms... This morning, after dropping the kids off, I saw this guy who was quite overweight (not being rude... just describing him) heavily wrapped in a coat, scarf, sweater hat and gloves. As I sat at the stop light I could see the grimmise on his face as he wobbled from side to side, breathing heavily, as he powerwalked in the cold. I immediately began to feel his pain and see his will/determination to get through his workout! He was giving it his all despite the pain, cold weather and extra weight. So, what is my excuse??? NOTHING!!!
What keeps me from going hard during every workout is the fact that my life depends on it! My kids are worth it... my hubby deserves it and GOD requires it!! I'm working hard at building my temple. We only get one life and very few chances to get things right. I don't ever want to end my workout feeling like I didn't give it my all. I asked God to bless that man who gave me my morning nugget of inspiration. He doesn't know it but he was a blessing to me!!! I can only pray that my healthier lifestyle/habits can be a blessing to others.
From this point on I will continue to go hard, set higher goals and cry less tears in the process.... Soooo blessed!!!